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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] 2 column sidebar with Antenna House

On 16.11.2011 1:10, Daniel Reed wrote:

> When the content is rendered, it does have 2 columns, but content is always
> in column #1, nothing ever flows to the second column.
> I tried setting the axf:column-fill="balance" (which, according to the doc,
> is the default anyway) and that didn't help.

Try to put <fo:block span="all"/> at the end of your two column content.
This does ballancing when you have two columns in region-body, it might
work there as well -- I don't have XSL Formatter at hand to test it.


  Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
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