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Subject: Re: RE: [docbook-apps] Ubuntu package for DocBook XSL 1.76.1

Eduard Tibet wrote:

> As I know, there are no "docbook-xsl-ns" with version 1.76.1 package in
> stable|testing debian repository. Moreover, the 1.76 version of docbook
> stylesheet is only in sid (unstable) repo of debian (what ubuntu packages are
> often derived from): http://packages.debian.org/sid/docbook-xsl-ns

Putting my Debian maintainer hat on: 1.76.1 hit Sid.
If you have any further questions: I'm maintaining the docbook-xsl* packages
for Debian and Ubuntu just "snycs" them.

> You can try (some risky and tricky, though) use unstable sid repository
> from debian on ubuntu just to install the package.

There is nothing tricky. The docbook-xsl(-ns) package does not contain any
binary code nor does it have strange dependencies. xml-core can be installed
from Ubuntu and the docbook-xsl(-ns) binary can simply be grabbed and installed:

wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/docbook-xsl/docbook-xsl_1.76.1+dfsg-1_all.deb
dpkg -i docbook-xsl_1.76.1+dfsg-1_all.deb

if you cannot wait until it has been synced from Debian. There is absolutely no
need to add any Debian sources to an Ubuntu sources.list.

Regards, Daniel
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