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Subject: Incorrect output dir if I use chunk.xsl with Apache Ant


I wanted to create chunk output for my tutorials. Unfortunately the destination directory seems to get ignore if I use chunks.xsl instead of docbook.xsl.

I use Apache Ant:

<target name="build-html" depends="xinclude" description="Generates HTML files from DocBook XML">
<xslt style="${myhtml.stylesheet}" extension=".html" basedir="${outputtmp.dir}" destdir="${article.dir}">
<include name="**/*article.xml" />
<classpath refid="saxon.class.path" />

If I replace ${myhtml.stylesheet} (which points to a customizing layer of docbook.xsl) with a reference to chunks.xsl, the output is written to the currrent directory and not the defined destdir.

This is a strange issue for me as I can see no reason why this should happen. Did anyone ran into this already and know how to solve it?

Best regards, Lars

http://www.vogella.de - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
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