I suppose you are not eager to install ANT, eh? :)
Unfortunately, you can not run 1.76.1 without ANT. The indexer there is specific to ANT, because it uses ANT task definition (taskdef). The good news is that the current snapshot does not depend on ANT. So, if needed you could just read the ANT script and convert it to make. But you need to have Java installed (with JAVA_HOME properly set.)
So, what you can do is just use the indexer from snapshot inside 1.76.1. Are you interested in trying this bridged webhelp? Or use the latest version?
Former also shouldn't be a big deal. I can help you out there if needed. Possible steps that comes into my mind is,
1. Replace webhelpindexer.jar in docbook-xsl-1.76.1/extensions/, and copy tagsoup-1.2.1.jar to the same directory.
2. Then read the 'index' target in the ant build.xml. This one is pretty easier to understand, not like the previous.
3. Adapt it to 'make'.
Apart from the file copying, the java task looks like the following without all the clutter. [1] You can do the same via make by invoking java with the relevant parameters and the classpath set.
ie. java -DhtmlDir=docs/content -DindexerLanguage="xx" -DfillTheRest=true -classpath path/to/lucene/1.jar:2.jar:/path/to/tagsoup/jar
I probably have missed something here because I haven't tried this.
<java classname="com.nexwave.nquindexer.IndexerMain" fork="true">
<sysproperty key="htmlDir" value="${output-dir}/content"/>
<sysproperty key="indexerLanguage" value="${webhelp.indexer.language}"/>
<sysproperty key="htmlExtension" value="${html.extension}"/>
<sysproperty key="doStem" value="${enable.stemming}"/>
<sysproperty key="tocFile" value="${toc.file}"/>
<!--TagSoup SAX Parser for parsing even the bad html contents. see
<sysproperty key="org.xml.sax.driver" value="org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser"/>
<sysproperty key="javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory" value="org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.jaxp.SAXFactoryImpl"/>
<path refid="classpath"/>
> Any pointers how to run the indexer from our make-based environment?
> --
> Cheers,
> Stefan Hinz <
stefan.hinz@oracle.com>, MySQL Documentation Manager
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Kasun Gajasinghe,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.