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Subject: Fwd: [Announce] Google Summer of Code 2012


It's time to prepare! As per [5], the organizations can submit their applications between 27th Feb - 9th March.

[5] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol Smith <carols@google.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:24 AM
Subject: [Announce] Google Summer of Code 2012
To: GSoC students <google-summer-of-code-students-list@googlegroups.com>

Hi GSoC students,

We've announced that we're doing Google Summer of Code 2012 [1]. Yay!

If you would like to help spread the word about Google Summer of Code, we have presentations [2], logos [3], and flyers [4] for you all to use this year. Please host meetups, tell your friends and colleagues about the program, go to conferences, talk to people about the program, and just generally do all the awesome word-of-mouth stuff you do every year to promote the program. We rely on you for your help, so thank you in advance for all the work you do!

Please consider translating the presentations and/or flyers into your native language and submitting them directly to me to post on the wiki. Localization for our material is integral to reaching the widest possible audience around the world.

Please remember to take pictures at your meetup and write up a blog post for our blog [4]. We love highlighting the GSoC community on our blog! Please also considering translating the flyer or the presentation (or both) into your native language and submitting it to me. The more languages our resources are in, the better.

If you need goodies for a meetup you're holding in your area, please contact me directly and let me know. I'd be happy to send along some promotional items. Please let me know when you decide on a date, time, and location for a meetup so I can put it on the calendar.

The GSoC calendar has been updated with this year's dates, so please refer to that as well for important dates and deadlines. Please consider applying to participate again this year or maybe joining as a mentor for your favorite organization
if they are selected this year.

[1] - http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2012/02/google-summer-of-code-2012-is-on.html
[2] - http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/ProgramPresentations
[3] - http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/GsocLogos
[4] - http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/GsocFlyers


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Kasun Gajasinghe,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
Blog: http://kasunbg.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kasunbg

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