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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] where to find xsl stylesheets with namespace?
Hi Paul,That page is out of date. If you click on the first link "DocBook Project", it will take you directly to the SourceForge project page. Under the Files tab you will find "docbook-xsl-ns" and all the other stylesheets.----- Original Message -----From: Paul TremblaySent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 7:46 AMSubject: [docbook-apps] where to find xsl stylesheets with namespace?Where is the official release for the docbook stylesheets that handle namespaces? The link
Only gives me links to the non namespace stylesheets. The only way I can find stylesheets with namespaces is to click on the "bleeding edge" link, but I thought there were stable, common releases that were not bleeding edge.
When I do try to process a stylesheet with:
xsltproc my_doc_docbook.xml
I get errors that no match is found for the mathml elements:
Element math in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' encountered in d:equation, but no template matches. ...
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