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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] TOC contains selected section titles. How?

Another option might be to use the <simplesect> element for the
sections that you don't want to see in your TOC, then exclude
<simplesect> from the TOC using the instructions elsewhere on that
linked page.
<simplesect> can't be nested -- can't contain other section-type
elements -- but then I'm not sure why you'd want to have a complex
structure in a section that you were excluding from your TOC. :)

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Aaron DaMommio <aaron@damommio.com> wrote:
> Roland,
> This can certainly be done. When you say 'only containing selected
> section titles', I assume you have established, or plan to establish,
> some markup difference between the selected titles and the other ones.
> Do you already have something in mind? Maybe you can say more about
> what you intend.
> This section of "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide" talks about how to
> modify a customization layer to use the 'role' attribute to prevent
> certain sections from appearing in the TOC:
> http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/TOCcontrol.html#TitlesOutOfToc
> --Aaron DaMommio
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Roland Burda <burda.roland@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> First, I'm new in Docbook. I have been trying to generate the TOC only
>> containing selected section titles. I did some research and haven't found
>> anything so far which could help me with this issue. My question is: Is it
>> possible to force either Xsltproc or FOP to generate the TOC which only
>> contains selected section titles? How can I modify my customization layer in
>> order to achieve my goal?
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Roland Burda
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Aaron DaMommio: Husband, father, writer, juggler, and expert washer of dishes.
> - My blog: http://aarondamommio.blogspot.com
> - Need a juggler?  http://amazingaaronjuggler.blogspot.com/
> =======================================

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