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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Preparing a stylesheet for HTML and PDF Output/ Stating the base.dir for HTML and PDF: How can you define the base.dir PDF, using the same relative path as used for HTML

When I create FO for PDF, I pass the -o argument to Saxon. This is a
relative path to the directory that I want the FO file in.

Does that help?

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 6:10 AM,  <daniel.keyes@finaris.de> wrote:
> Hey,
> Currently we are finalizing our HTML stylesheet for DocBook. Since our
> documents are to be released as HTML and PDF and our documentation consists
> of about 20 different documents with more than 1000 pages total, we need to
> find a way to state a relative path in our stylesheet as the base.dir that
> will work out for both. We do not want to store all files, PDF and HTML, in
> the same folder. What we need is a nice and easy way to define where the
> output is to be stored.
> For HTML we used <xsl:param name="base.dir"
> select="concat($webhelp.base.dir,'/content/')"/>.
> This won´t work for PDF.
> We had a similar problem with the role attribute regarding screenshots that
> had to be scaled differently according if we had a PDF or HTML output , but
> we managed to define "when to use what".
> Is there any solution for our problem?
> Greetings,
> Daniel Keyes
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