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Subject: Image maps in PDF output


I'm new to Docbook and I'm trying to create an image map (click-able image where clicking different sections of the image results in going to different locations in the document) in a PDF document. I've run across this reference (http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Imagemaps.html) which seems to suggest this can't be done in PDFs with Docbook but it was published in 2007 and I saw a post on this mailing list from 2012 (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/201202/msg00010.html) which seems to suggest it should work in PDFs. I've used the example code from the first link with slight modifications (copied below) on one of my graphics and changed the stylesheet to only use numbers and while the output does have the numbers and text below the graphic there does not appear to be any linking going on in the document between the graphic and callouts.

Is this a limitation of PDFs or Docbook or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your time and help,
Tyson Marchuk

<areaspec id="map1" units="calspair">
<area linkends="callout1" coords="0,0 5000,10000" id="area1"/>
<area linkends="callout2" coords="5000,0 10000,10000" id="area2"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/myImage.png" />
<callout arearefs="area1" id="callout1">
<para>My only callout1</para>
<callout arearefs="area2" id="callout2">
<para>My only callout2</para>

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