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Subject: Re: Indexing.

davep <davep@dpawson.co.uk> writes:
>> Are you asking more about the indexing task itself or about the technical
>> aspect?
> The docbook aspects please Thomas

The sources for The Definitive Guide have quite a bit of index markup from
the O'Reilly copyedit. That might be a good place to look for examples.

>> Speaking about the indexing task itself, IHMO this is something that some
>> books don't take it seriously enough. An index is a service to make the book
>> more accessible to readers. I've seen lots of bad index which came just as an
>> alibi, but with no value.
>> So it isn't a surprise that a good index takes time and energy. When I've
>> created the index of my book, it took lots of iterations and I guess it still
>> isn't perfect. :)

Indexing is an art.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | There is no kind of dishonesty
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | into which otherwise good people
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | more easily and frequently fall
                                   | than that of defrauding the
                                   | government.--Benjamin Franklin

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