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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Image resolution in print.


I was using the description from the Image Sizing section in Graphics. However, there's a typo in my print edition, and I just realized that when I adjusted the typo, I replaced contentdepth with contentwidth by mistake. So, you are right, you didn't suggest using both together.

So, I fixed that problem and used the following from the latest book: scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"

The image now appears to be just under half of the expected width (~1.1 inches instead of 2.67in). I get the same result if I remove the scalefit attribute.

However, I was able to get what I need by making contentdepth="2in"  (and leaving scalefit off). While that works, it doesn't explain why the image comes out at ~50% when I use contentdepth="100%".  BTW, I used identify -verbose, as suggested by Paul Bort and confirmed that the image is 300dpi.

I suspect the problem may be in the setup for RenderX, so I'll look there next, though with your explanation I am able to get what I need.

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

On May 15, 2012, at 9:21 AM, Bob Stayton wrote:

> Just wanted to point out one datum on image sizing that's mentioned in my book:
> The following attributes are mutually exclusive: contentwidth, scale, and scalefit. If more than one of these attributes is used on an image, then the earliest one in this list takes precedence.
> So the scalefit attribute in your example would be ignored. I don't think I suggested using both, did I?  Setting width="100%" sets the viewport to the maximum page width, setting contentwidth="100%" sets the size of the image to its natural size within that viewport area.  At 300 dpi, that would be 2.67 in x 2 in.
> Bob Stayton
> Sagehill Enterprises
> bobs@sagehill.net
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Hamilton" <hamilton@xmlpress.net>
> To: "docbook-apps mailing list" <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:24 AM
> Subject: [docbook-apps] Image resolution in print.
> Is there a description anywhere about how to deal with images of different dpi in the FO stylesheets?
> I've got an image that is 800x600, and as far as I can tell (identify doesn't say anything about dpi), it is a 300dpi image.
> I want that image to pass through to the FO and PDF as a 300dpi image, unchanged.
> Does anyone know the magic incantation of imagedata attributes that will cause this to happen? The combination I thought would work (width="100%" contentwidth="100%" scalefit="1", as suggested by Bob's book) gives me an image that is considerably smaller than I expected, and I'm not sure whether the problem is the wrong attributes or if there might be a problem with the image.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Dick Hamilton
> -------
> XML Press
> XML for Technical Communicators
> http://xmlpress.net
> hamilton@xmlpress.net
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