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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Aligning numbers in table cells with xsl

I managed to (almost) fix the problem by adding a test for NaN to the string variable:

<xsl:if test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numbers' or
      ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe') and not(ancestor::d:thead or
      ancestor::d:tfoot) and preceding-sibling::d:entry and (string(number(.) != 'NaN'))">

This however will not select any cells that have a number and a non-numeric string (such as greater than or less than signs: <1, or >20) - my test treats those cells as a string and not as a number. I now need to find how to convert &lt; and &gt; to a number so that the test selects cells with a number and a lt or gt sign.

On 24-05-12 4:24 PM, Bob Stayton wrote:
<xsl:if test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numbers' or
      ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe') and not(ancestor::d:thead or
      ancestor::d:tfoot) and preceding-sibling::d:entry and string(number(.))">

Dave Gardiner
Mob. 0416 833 993

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