Thanks Bob for the tip about translate. I finally worked it out -
coding as follows:
<xsl:template name="">
<xsl:variable name="stringanglesymbol">
<xsl:when test="contains(., '<')">
<xsl:value-of select="(translate(., '<', ''))" />
<xsl:when test="contains(., '>')">
<xsl:value-of select="(translate(., '>', ''))" />
and indent for portrait format tables-->
<xsl:when test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numbers'
ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe') and
not(ancestor::d:thead or
preceding-sibling::d:entry and
((string(number($stringanglesymbol)) !=
'NaN') or (string(number(.)) != 'NaN'))">
<xsl:attribute name="text-align">right</xsl:attribute> <!--text
numbers in
right margin as a percentage of cell width (default: 30)-->
<xsl:attribute name="margin-right">
<xsl:when test="self::d:entry/d:footnote"> <!--reduce the right margin if
is a
footnote in the cell-->
<xsl:value-of select="$cellfootnoteindent"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$cellnumberindent"/>
On 26-05-12 5:59 AM, Bob Stayton wrote:
One way to handle those
characters is to use the translate() function to remove them
before doing the test. If the third argument of translate()
is empty, then the matching characters in the second argument
disappear, and all other characters are left untouched.
Something like:
'<>', '')))
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 24,
2012 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps]
Aligning numbers in table cells with xsl
I managed to (almost) fix the problem by adding a test for NaN
to the string variable:
<xsl:if test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle =
'numbers' or
ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe') and
not(ancestor::d:thead or
ancestor::d:tfoot) and preceding-sibling::d:entry and
(string(number(.) != 'NaN'))">
This however will not select any cells that have a number and
a non-numeric string (such as greater than or less than signs:
<1, or >20) - my test treats those cells as a string and
not as a number. I now need to find how to convert < and
> to a number so that the test selects cells with a
number and a lt or gt sign.
On 24-05-12 4:24 PM, Bob Stayton wrote:
test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numbers' or
ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe')
and not(ancestor::d:thead or
ancestor::d:tfoot) and preceding-sibling::d:entry and
Dave Gardiner