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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Potential typo in Bobs Book

Yes, indeed, that example should have an xsl:choose. Thanks for the report. It's noted in the book's Errata page:


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lars Vogel" <lars.vogel@gmail.com>
To: "DocBook Apps" <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 7:43 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Potential typo in Bobs Book


I think an example in Bobs book might have a small typo:


<xsl:attribute-set name="toc.line.properties">
 <xsl:attribute name="font-size">10pt</xsl:attribute>
 <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">
   <xsl:when test="self::chapter | self::preface |

I think the <xsl:choose> is missing about the <xsl:when>.

At least that made the example work for me.

Best regards, Lars

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