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Subject: rootid parameter

Hi again (so soon),


I also cannot seem to get the rootid parameter working in 1.77.1 to single file XHTML or HTML.


I’ve tried with both Xalan and Saxon 6.5.6. With both processors, I get a message that the ID could not be found in the document.


I’ve tried both:

  <xsl:param name="rootid" select="'test'"/>


  <xsl:param name="rootid">test</xsl:param>


I’m using valid IDs in my source docs, and while I’m using xinclude, I’ve tried testing it on elements literally within a document and it doesn’t seem to work there either.


Any suggestions of what I might be doing wrong?


Thank you,





Jason Zech | Project Manager, Digital Workflow
[p] 773-281-1818 x212 | zech@loyolapress.com

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