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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Converting Docbook epub to Kindle shows warnings

This sounds like a bizarre problem I had a few months ago. I tracked it down to my toc.ncx not matching up with toc.html, or something like that. Your issue may be different, but it’s an idea.


From: Bob Stayton [mailto:bobs@sagehill.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:54 AM
To: Lars Vogel; DocBook Apps
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Converting Docbook epub to Kindle shows warnings


I have also seen those messages and don't understand what they mean.  When I check the XHTML file in Oxygen, it reports that it is well-formed and valid, so there are no missing tags that need to be "Forcefully closed". 


Your output appears to be from the epub stylesheet.  You might try the epub3 stylesheet in version 1.77.1 of the stylesheets.  It does not use <dl> for the TOC, so kindlegen does not report those <dl> errors.  However, kindlegen still Forcefully closes the valid <nav epub:type="loi"> and <nav:epub:lot> elements in the TOC file.


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises



----- Original Message -----

From: Lars Vogel

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:53 AM

Subject: [docbook-apps] Converting Docbook epub to Kindle shows warnings



I'm using Apache Ant to create an epub with the XSL stylesheets. This
works fine.

During the conversion to .mobi via the Amazon command line tool
kindlegen I get several warnings which may indicate that the generated
epub has some issues. See below for the error messages. I attached the
file in question. I noted that in the Kindle version several TOC
entries are in the same line: I think this might be the reason for

Has anyone seen such issues and know how to solve them?

Best regards, Lars

Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dl>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000004
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dd>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000004
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29010: Tag rejected due to being used in
unauthorized scope: <dt>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000004
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29010: Tag rejected due to being used in
unauthorized scope: <dd>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000004
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29010: Tag rejected due to being used in
unauthorized scope: <dt>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000005
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29010: Tag rejected due to being used in
unauthorized scope: <dd>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000005
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dl>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000005
Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dd>
      in file: /tmp/mobi-v0Xfht/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html     line: 0000005

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