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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] website 2.6

On 09/14/2012 01:30 PM, Jirka Kosek wrote:
On 14.9.2012 13:52, DaveP wrote:

If I add the head element, I get the meta output, with the
encoding (seemingly ) derived from the input xml encoding.

It's definitively not from XML input encoding.

It's exither from xsl:output instruction if you are generating single
file output. If you use website in the version that's doing chunking,
then there is parameter for this:


I think it should be used by Website as well.

So it is :-)
  It's imported from docbook stylesheets IIRC

Many thanks Jirka.

Having sorted that I'll go try the new website code.


Dave Pawson

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