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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] epub image output: I see something bizarre

In that HTML, the width is formatted like that because it’s part of the CSS style attribute, and CSS requires the “x: y;” format so that multiple things can be specified at once. The height is an HTML attribute, not in CSS, so it looks like all the other attributes.


Why is width in CSS and height is not? I have no idea.



Paul Bort

TMW Systems, Inc.




From: Robert Nagle [mailto:idiotprogrammer@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:57 PM
To: apps docbook
Subject: [docbook-apps] epub image output: I see something bizarre


I'm using snapshot docbook- ns-xsl

I see something strange on my epub3 output with graphics. It doesn't appear to affect the html; it just seems strange.. Why does width have extra space and a semicolon, but height doesn't? Is it because there is potentially another value to be present in width (but not height).

I'm not using any parameters or XSLT that might touch these things. I'm just curious about what's going on


    <div class="mediaobject"><img style="width: 150; " src="" height="189" alt="Jack Matthews photo"/></div>


            <imagedata  contentwidth="150px" contentdepth="189px" fileref="images-epub/small-small.jpg"/>
            <phrase> Jack Matthews photo</phrase>

Robert Nagle
6121 Winsome Ln #56C, Houston TX 77057-5581
(H) 713 893 3424/ (W) 832-251-7522 Carbon Neutral Since Jan 2010




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