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Subject: Problems validating file with xinclude content

Good morning:

I have the following file that runs multiple XIncluded content.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book version="5.0" xml:id="ruby-on-rails-3.2-en" xml:lang="en"
    <title>Ruby on Rails 3.2 - Step by Step</title>

      <para>This is a step by step book to learn how to code Ruby 1.9 and use Ruby on Rails 3.2 to create modern web applications.</para>




        <orgname>AMOOMA GmbH</orgname>


    <para>For my family.</para>

  <preface xml:id="preface">

    <para>Content for the preface goes here...</para>

  <xi:include href="">
  <xi:include href="">
  <xi:include href="">
  <xi:include href="">
  <xi:include href="">
  <!-- There is more xi:included content. This was trimmed for the email -->
  <index xml:id="stichwortverzeichnis"/>

When I try to validate with Jing, I get the following errors:

     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:68:60: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"
     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:70:43: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"
     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:72:52: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"
     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:74:40: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"
     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:76:39: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"
     [java] /Users/carlos.araya/code/ruby-book/en/docbook/index.xml:78:34: error: element "xi:include" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "acknowledgements", "appendix", "article", "bibliography", "chapter", "colophon", "dedication", "glossary", "index", "part", "preface", "reference" or "toc"

I've checked both the DB5: The Definitive Guide and Bob's book and can't find a reason why this would fail validation.


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