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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] ePub 3 weird results when converting to mobi

When going to Kindle Direct Publishing's Supported HTML Tags page (https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=A1JPUWCSD6F59O) <abbr> is not there. I guess that's why Kindlegen is throwing a fit.

This may be a good place to review when we hit that kind of problems.


On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> wrote:
I have seen the same errors with kindlegen, but never found anything wrong in my HTML.  The <abbr> element is valid in HTML4, XHTML, and HTML5, so I think that's a bug in kindlegen.  With <dl> lists, it seems to lose track of element nesting, even with validly nested elements.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:15 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] ePub 3 weird results when converting to mobi

Good afternoon:

I was able to validate the book I'm working on. Now when I use Kindlegen to convert to Mobi I get multiple errors like the ones below

     [exec] Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29007: Rejected unknown tag: <abbr class="acronym">
     [exec]       in file: /var/folders/jz/_pr7872j2jx765_7lyh3z__07x_v0x/T/mobi-ZpXrJk/OEBPS/ch04.xhtml     line: 0000038
     [exec] Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dl>
     [exec]       in file: /var/folders/jz/_pr7872j2jx765_7lyh3z__07x_v0x/T/mobi-ZpXrJk/OEBPS/ix01.xhtml     line: 0000002
     [exec] Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29004: Forcefully closed opened Tag: <dd>
     [exec]       in file: /var/folders/jz/_pr7872j2jx765_7lyh3z__07x_v0x/T/mobi-ZpXrJk/OEBPS/ix01.xhtml     line: 0000002
     [exec] Warning(inputpreprocessor):W29010: Tag rejected due to being used in unauthorized scope: <dt>
     [exec]       in file: /var/folders/jz/_pr7872j2jx765_7lyh3z__07x_v0x/T/mobi-ZpXrJk/OEBPS/ix01.xhtml     line: 0000002

I remember that late last year this also came up but was not able to find a resolution.

I am using the kindle.extensions parameter and can copy my customization layer if needed.

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong to generate the extraneous code?


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