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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] GSoC Project Idea: integrated LaTeX output support for the stylesheets

On Fri, April 5, 2013 3:46 pm, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
> Em 05-04-2013 16:00, Tony Graham escreveu:
>> On Fri, April 5, 2013 2:09 pm, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
>>> I plan to apply to this year's Summer of Code and I wanted to share my
>>> idea with you for discussion. I've been using DocBook both for personal
>>> documents (CV, Bachelor and Master Thesis, papers, etc.) and in the
>>> FreeBSD Project. I'm usually satisfied with the output that Apache FOP
>>> creates but I believe the PDF generation should be better supported.
>>> The
>>> only usable open source XSL FO renderer is Apache FOP (xmlroff is very
>>> immature and is not actively developed) so we have no alternatives.
>> Ouch.
> What do you exactly mean here? If you don't agree with this statement,
> could you please elaborate?

I am the author of xmlroff.  I would like it if it was more developed,
that I had more time to work on it, and that there were more than me
working on it, but it isn't, I don't, and there isn't, so I'm not
contesting your statement.

>> Have you looked at speedata Publisher
>> (http://speedata.github.com/publisher/), which is open source, works
>> with
>> XML, and has LuaTeX underneath?  (I haven't used it myself.)
> Not yet but thank you for the hint, I'll take a look. But it also seems
> to have quite some dependencies (Ruby, Rake, Jekyll, Go) and it won't be

That's to build it.  You can download pre-made binaries for multiple

> able to integrate into DocBook XSL as much.


Tony Graham                                   tgraham@mentea.net
Consultant                                 http://www.mentea.net
Mentea       13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
 --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
    XML, XSL-FO and XSLT consulting, training and programming

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