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Subject: epub generation result has incorrect DocType


I'm generating epub from Docbook input and getting during the validation one error and one warning with regards to the Doctype.

     [java] Epubcheck Version 3.0
     [java] Validating against EPUB version 2.0
     [java] ERROR: /home/vogella/workspace/docu/de.vogella.publishing/../output/epub/book.epub/OEBPS/content.opf: Obsolete or irregular DOCTYPE statement. The DOCTYPE can be removed.
     [java] WARNING: /home/vogella/workspace/docu/de.vogella.publishing/../output/epub/book.epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx: Irregular DOCTYPE: found '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN', expecting '<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN" "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx-2005-1.dtd">'.

My input looks simular to the XML file listed below.

Any advice how to remove this error? I'm using DocBook XSL 1.77 for the transformation.

Best regards, Lars

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<title>Java programming with the Eclipse IDE</title>
<holder> Lars Vogel</holder>

<releaseinfo>Third edition

<mediaobject role="cover">
<imageobject id="cover-image">
<imagedata fileref="images/cover.png" align="center" />
<title>Eclipse Overview</title>
<title>Eclipse overview
and terminology
<para> This chapter gives a short introduction into
the Eclipse
project and the Eclipse IDE.

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