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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB2 vs. EPUB3: Making base.dir consistent?

Hi Mike,

Am Samstag, 20. April 2013, 11:32:44 schrieb Mike Cook:
> I can't get either EPUB 2 or 3 working. I've done a fresh checkout;

This will not work; if you look into the xhtml-1_1 then you will see an almost 
empty directory. The different XHTML stylesheets need to be generated first. 
That's the reason for your errors, regardless of the EPUB version.

I would recommend to use the snapshot releases from 
http://snapshots.docbook.org. However, it takes some time to create a new 
snapshot release after a commit. I don't know when the next will be generated, 
but the last one was from 17. April. So it's a little bit old. :-]

In your case, you could try the following:

1. Download the latest snapshot release from http://snapshots.docbook.org
2. Unpack the archive, let's say to /tmp. This will create the folder 
3. Copy the epub/docbook.xsl from your fresh checkout into the 
   /tmp/docbook-xsl-snapshot/epub directory.
4. Optionally copy the epub3/ directory in the same way.
5. Test again. :)

> [...]

Hope that helps. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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