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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB3: how to use base.dir ?

Chris, Michael

The problem was indeed in my build process but not in the mimetype or
the way that it was zipped.

Using Ant's exec task with the new way the base.dir parameter works I
had to specify an additional parameter for Ant to know where to work
creating the zip file (if anyone is looking for the exact solution,
add a dir parameter to the exec task and set it to the same value as
your base.dir parameter). Once that was added the errors disappeared.

This is still puzzling as I did not have to do this before.


Sent from my iPad

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:28 PM, Chris Ridd <chrisridd@mac.com> wrote:

> On 24 Apr 2013, at 05:17, Carlos Araya <carlos.araya@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> The latest snapshot, downloaded tonight I get the same validation error.
>> epub-check:
>>    [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub: Length of the first filename in archive must be 8, but was 13
> It sounds like something has gone wrong with the zip file creation.
> The first filename in the zip file is required to be called "mimetype" and it must contain the characters "application/epub+zip". I don't think that's changed between epub 2 to epub 3.
> Chris

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