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Subject: <a> inside <li> adds white space in Firefox and IE?



I’m having a display issue in Firefox and IE regarding my XHTML output. If a step is a linkend for an xref, the paragraph drops down below the line that has the step number. It’s almost as if the <a> tag is pushing the <p> down. This only happens on steps with the <a> tag, and if I delete the <a> tag the problem goes away. This does not happen in Chrome.


Has anyone found a fix for this? Here is the HTML below:


<li class="step" title="Step 4">

<a id="some_ID" xmlns:saxon="http://icl.com/saxon"></a>

<p>Some text.</p>





Eric Nordlund

Customer Documentation and Training

Cray Inc.

901 5th Ave

Seattle, WA 98164



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