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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] producing epub 2 (NOT epub 3s) -- how to do it?


If I remember correctly there is an epub  directory in the stylesheet distribution that creates epub2. It is unsupported as Keith is no longer maintaining it.  It may still be a good starting point.


On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Robert Nagle <idiotprogrammer@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, there,

I have a rather strange problem.

I will be  submitting something to Smashwords (which in turn will distribute epub files to various vendors, most notably Kobo).

Kobo (and I think a few others) don't support epub3. I know that epub3 is supposed to be backward compatible (and so that is why I hustled towards using the epub3 stylesheets), but apparently smashwords doesn't know what to do with epub3 files.  (I should note that BN and Amazon both know how to process epub3 files even though they don't support its features).

Smashwords uses 1.2 version of epubcheck instead of the latest version 3. That causes it to give me false errors when I give it an epub3 file produced by docbook. Therefore, my only choice is to create an epub2 file.

In the past I used the docbook2epub script to produce the epub2 file. It worked fine (I guess), but my computer crashed, and it's rather complicated to set up the python toolchain again. (I'm currently trying).

However, I greatly enjoyed Bob's simple instructions for producing epub3 even though it meant manually moving the images.  But I'm encountering a problem, as described below.

Assuming that you are not using docbook2epub or an ant script to make an epub2, what manual steps would you need to run to produce an epub2 file?

I don't use Oxygen's epub ant script because it has given me error messages in the past, it doesn't allow me to change the path to the latest docbook xsl, and it limits my ability to use customization layers/save parameter values.

When I select a bare-bones docbook project with a barebones customization layer, I am able to output successfully using epub3 xsl. But if I import the epub/docbook.xsl instead of the epub3/chunk.xsl, I get error messages.  It only outputs stuff to the OEBPS directory.  It stops at the META-INF directory. It doesn't create it and it doesn't put anything inside it.

Do you have any idea what is going on, how to fix the error or how to process simple epubs better than I am trying to do already? Thanks.

the errors  specifically says: Engine name: Saxon6.5.5
Severity: warning
Description: Non-text output nodes are ignored when writing an attribute, comment, or PI,
and Engine name: Saxon6.5.5
Severity: warning
Description: Cannot write an attribute node when no element start tag is open
Start location: 211:0

The last three messages given by the Oxygen error window are:

System ID: C:\Users\kingrobert\Documents\1latest\docbook-xsl-ns-1.78.1\xhtml-1_1\chunker.xsl
Description: [Saxon6.5.5] Writing OEBPS/content.opf
Start location: 102:0

System ID: C:\Users\kingrobert\Documents\1latest\docbook-xsl-ns-1.78.1\xhtml-1_1\chunker.xsl
Description: [Saxon6.5.5] Writing OEBPS/cover.html for mediaobject
Start location: 102:0

System ID: C:\Users\kingrobert\Documents\1latest\docbook-xsl-ns-1.78.1\xhtml-1_1\chunker.xsl
Description: [Saxon6.5.5] Writing META-INF/container.xml
Start location: 102:0
 (no more after this).

Robert Nagle
6121 Winsome Ln #56C, Houston TX 77057-5581
(H) 713 893 3424/ (W) 832-251-7522 Carbon Neutral Since Jan 2010

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