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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] docbook slides

Hi jmt,

We're using DocBook for slides; the stylesheets are in slides/fo and 
slides/html. Note that you'd want the namespace-aware package (docbook-xsl-ns) 
for the slides to work, as slides elements are in a different namespace than 
regular docbook.

There is a bit of documentation in slides/doc/slides.xml.

That said, there is a number of problems in current slides stylesheets output. 
I have fixes for them locally, and I am currently (slowly) merging them into 
the DocBook main repository.


On Thursday, October 17, 2013 07:49:48 am jmt wrote:
> Hi,
> Some years ago, I had been using docbook slides for presentation. Since
> then, docbook definitively entered v 5 era, but I don't find information
> about slides.
> Feed-back, links, impressions, etc. are welcome !
> jmt

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