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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

Looking at docbook.rng, I see that the xhtml namespace is explicitly
excluded. I don't know why they schema is written that way; perhaps
someone else can explain the rational:

    <define name="db._any">
        <a:documentation>Any element from almost any
            <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
            <ref name="db._any.attribute"/>
            <ref name="db._any"/>

You could store it in any namespace other than xhtml and convert it back
when you use it downstream.


On 12/22/2013 07:14 PM, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
> I'm having difficulty embedding elements of the XHTML namespace within
> my metadata. It seems that with either of the approaches above, I cannot
> use the elements in the XHTML namespace - but any other namespace works.
> Quite strange. Here's an annotated snippet:
>    <informaltable>
>       <info>
>           [...]
>                <requirement name="Person identifier"
>                   number="[...]"
>                   ea-id="[...]">
>                   <detail>
>                      <div
> xmlns="*http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml-not-really*";><!-- works -->
>                         <p style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans';
> text-align: left">The document SHALL contain the individual's [...].</p>
>                      </div>
>                   </detail>
>                   <rationale>
>                      <*babbah*:div
> xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/ReqIF/20110401/reqif.xsd";
> xmlns:configuration="http://eclipse.org/rmf/pror/toolextensions/1.0";
> xmlns:headline="http://pror.org/presentation/headline";
> xmlns:rtf="http://pror.org/presentation/rtf";><!-- works -->
>                         <babbah:div style="text-align: left;">Allows
> interoperability. Eliminates ambiguity. [...]</babbah:div>
>                      </babbah:div>
>                   </rationale>
>                </requirement>
>                <requirement name="Person name"
>                   number="[...]"
>                   ea-id="[...]">
>                   <detail>
>                      <*xhtml*:div
> xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/ReqIF/20110401/reqif.xsd";
> xmlns:configuration="http://eclipse.org/rmf/pror/toolextensions/1.0";
> xmlns:headline="http://pror.org/presentation/headline";
> xmlns:rtf="http://pror.org/presentation/rtf";><!-- does not work: E
> [Jing] element "xhtml:div" not allowed anywhere; expected the element
> end-tag or text -->
>                         <xhtml:p style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans';
> text-align: left">The document SHALL contain the given (where
> applicable) and family name of the person the document relates to.</xhtml:p>
>                      </xhtml:div>
>                   </detail>
> Why would the DocBook 5 (http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) schema be
> disallowing xhtml specifically and/or what is the error?

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