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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Adding page number to olinks destroys text justification

Hi again,

It seems that I was happy too early. Olinks with page numbers seems to be rendered correctly by FOP 1.1 but now I have a problem with rendering the link elements with a graphic. For external links, I had defined a role which adds some additional styling to links, namely the underline style and a graphic.  And, as you can see from the attached images, sometimes links are rendered correctly and other times they are not and the image is covering the next characters. This bit was correct with FOP 1.0.

Do you think this is another issue with FOP and I must choose between olinks with page number and extra styling for external links? Or is there anything I can do about it?

<para>The <olink targetptr="client_push_notifications_api">push
      notifications _javascript_ API</olink> provides a way to register an application running on the
    client device for receiving the AMP Services Engine-originated ACF-based messages ("ACF Push").
    To enable push notifications being sent by the notification service, it is necessary for the
    device to provide an up-to-date token to a matching service: <link role="external"
      xlink:href="">Google Cloud
      Messaging</link> for Android and <link role="external"
      >Apple Push Notification Service</link> for iOS platform. Refer to the article entitled <olink
      targetptr="client_push_notifications_acf"/> for the configuration details.</para>

<xsl:attribute-set name="xref.properties">
    <xsl:attribute name="color">#B64F0D</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="text-decoration">
        <xsl:when test="@role = 'external'">underline</xsl:when>
    <xsl:attribute name="background-image">
      <xsl:if test="@role = 'external'"
    <xsl:attribute name="padding-right">
        <xsl:when test="@role ='external'">10pt</xsl:when>
    <xsl:attribute name="background-position-horizontal">right</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="background-repeat">no-repeat</xsl:attribute>

      <fo:block space-before.optimum="5pt" space-before.minimum="5pt" space-before.maximum="5pt">The
          <fo:basic-link internal-destination="client_push_notifications_api" color="#B64F0D"
          text-decoration="none" background-image="" padding-right="0pt"
          background-position-horizontal="right" background-repeat="no-repeat">push notifications
          _javascript_ API<fo:basic-link xmlns:rx="http://www.renderx.com/XSL/Extensions"
            internal-destination="client_push_notifications_api" color="#B64F0D"
            text-decoration="none" background-image="" padding-right="0pt"
            background-position-horizontal="right" background-repeat="no-repeat"><fo:inline
              color="#7E7E7E"> [<fo:page-number-citation ref-id="client_push_notifications_api"
              />]</fo:inline></fo:basic-link></fo:basic-link> provides a way to register an
        application running on the client device for receiving the AMP Services Engine-originated
        ACF-based messages ("ACF Push"). To enable push notifications being sent by the notification
        service, it is necessary for the device to provide an up-to-date token to a matching
        service: <fo:basic-link
            ><fo:inline color="#B64F0D" text-decoration="underline"
            padding-right="10pt" background-position-horizontal="right"
            background-repeat="no-repeat">Google Cloud Messaging</fo:inline></fo:basic-link> for
        Android and <fo:basic-link
            ><fo:inline color="#B64F0D" text-decoration="underline"
            padding-right="10pt" background-position-horizontal="right"
            background-repeat="no-repeat">Apple Push Notification
          Service</fo:inline></fo:basic-link> for iOS platform. Refer to the article entitled
          <fo:basic-link internal-destination="client_push_notifications_acf" color="#B64F0D"
          text-decoration="none" background-image="" padding-right="0pt"
          background-position-horizontal="right" background-repeat="no-repeat">AMP Services
          Engine-originated ACF-based notifications<fo:basic-link
            internal-destination="client_push_notifications_acf" color="#B64F0D"
            text-decoration="none" background-image="" padding-right="0pt"
            background-position-horizontal="right" background-repeat="no-repeat"><fo:inline
              color="#7E7E7E"> [<fo:page-number-citation ref-id="client_push_notifications_acf"
              />]</fo:inline></fo:basic-link></fo:basic-link> for the configuration

      <fo:block space-before.optimum="5pt" space-before.minimum="5pt" space-before.maximum="5pt">The
        push notification API provides a way to register an application running on the client device
        for receiving the AMP Services Engine-originated ACF-based messages ("ACF Push"). To enable
        push notifications being sent by the notification service, it is necessary for the device to
        provide an up-to-date push notification token to a matching service: <fo:basic-link
            ><fo:inline color="#B64F0D" text-decoration="underline"
            padding-right="10pt" background-position-horizontal="right"
            background-repeat="no-repeat">Google Cloud Messaging</fo:inline></fo:basic-link> for
        Android and <fo:basic-link
            ><fo:inline color="#B64F0D" text-decoration="underline"
            padding-right="10pt" background-position-horizontal="right"
            background-repeat="no-repeat">Apple Push Notification
          Service</fo:inline></fo:basic-link> for iOS.</fo:block>






Dnia Wtorek, 7 Stycznia 2014 21:11 Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> napisał(a)

Hi Maria,

I believe this is an artifact of FOP 1.0.  It seems that it measured the

text on the line for justification *before* resolving the page numbers.

  I believe this is fixed in FOP 1.1, but you could send me a .fo file

and I could check it.  Can you test with FOP 1.1?



Bob Stayton

Sagehill Enterprises



On 1/7/2014 5:11 AM, Maria Lowas wrote:

> Hi all,


> Recently, I've been experimenting a bit with adding a page number to

> olinks in PDFs. Everything looks great apart from two small issues:

> - the space behind a page number isn't rendered always in the same way.

> Sometimes the text is distributed evenly within a line and sometimes the

> space behind the page number is cut off and the number covers the next

> character in the line.

> - sometimes the line with a page number is not justified correctly.

> Please, have a look at the attached image to see what I mean.




Attachment: wrong_rendering.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: correct_rendering.png
Description: PNG image

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