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Subject: two date entries in EPUB package.opf file


I'm using the the 1.78.1-ns style sheets to create an EPUB.

Within the book.info tag I want to include both a copyright.year tag and a pubdate tag--publication dates are quite distinct from copyright years.

When validating using Epubcheck Version 3.0.1 I get the following error:

ERROR: docbook.epub/OEBPS/package.opf(19,14): element "dc:date" not allowed here

Two date entries are created in the package.opf file, one resulting from the pubdate tag and one from the copyright.year tag.

<meta property="dcterms:date">2014-09-01</meta>
<meta property="dcterms:date">2014</meta>
This seems to violate the EPUB requirement that there be only one DCMES date element. This is easy enough to fix after the fact but I don't see an easy workaround. Any suggestions?



Peter Lavin
Telephone:      1 416 461 4991
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