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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Simple title page - would like to add a logo

The process of modifying the titlepage specification file and regenerating the XSL template for titlepages works most of the time. But it assumes each element starts on its own line, so that method does not handle side-by-side placement as shown in your example.

To fully customize a titlepage's layout, you can write your own template, using fo:tables to lay out elements. This section of my book describes that process:


What I'm not clear about is whether the DEP4E tool you are using permits the use of a DocBook customization layer. It runs on ant, so I suspect there must be a way to specify an alternate stylesheet, but the documentation I saw does not seem to cover that.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 8/20/2014 9:49 AM, David Jackson wrote:
Sorry my terminology was probably confusing and wrong.
I am primarily creating an Eclipse Plugin Help file. The PDF is a
spin-off from that.
  I am actually creating a Manual - rather than a book and I want my
manual's "front cover" to look something comparable to other product
manuals - for example an IBM Manual where a logo/image  is present and
the title is a short way down from the top.

 > Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:21:47 -0400
 > From: peter_e@gmx.net
 > To: davidkjackson54@gmail.com; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
 > Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Simple title page - would like to add a logo
 > On 8/19/14 8:40 PM, David Jackson wrote:
 > > All has gone well and I would like to now add a logo to the left of the
 > > title but so far have been unsuccessful at accomplishing what initially
 > > seemed like a simple task.
 > If you want to produce a book, the first page of the PDF that DocBook
 > produces is not really the book cover. It's the first page inside the
 > book cover, which is normally very bland. If you want to produce an
 > artistic book cover, I'd recommend doing that with some other tool and
 > then concatenating it to the PDF you get from DocBook.

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