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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Why is italic text not displayed in html files generated from Docbook/Oxygen ?

On 12/12/2014 09:17, Paul Taylor wrote:
On 11/12/2014 15:56, Sorin Ristache wrote:

The WebHelp CSS is missing these two styles which we will add in the next version of Oxygen:

.bold {

.italic {

For fixing the problem in the WebHelp transformation in your current Oxygen installation please add these two styles in the following file:

Hi okay I did that but it made no difference, but then in the built webhelp i looked at \webhelp\oxygen-webhelp\resources\css\webhelp_topic.css I found my chnages werent there. Modifying that file and it works as you say, but I double checked \frameworks\docbook\xsl\com.oxygenxml.webhelp\oxygen-webhelp\resources\css\webhelp_topic.css and I have definenttly made that change so why isnt it propgating,

Sorry that does fix it, I was copying an older version of the webhelp into my application
Also how do I fix this for DocBook Html ?
This question remains.


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