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docbook-apps message

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Subject: support for olink PDF fragment IDs

I am using oXygen XML Editor 16.1 with the bundled DocBook 5 stylesheets and Apache FOP 1.1 and Saxon 6.5.5.

I am generating PDFs from within Oxygen. I followed the instructions here http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Olinking.html#LinkBetweenDocs to set up everything. I can link from one PDF and open to a spot within a second PDF, if I am linking to sections in the other doc. But it is not working for me to link to a table within the other PDF; instead it opens to page 1 of the PDF.

Anyone have this same issue? Or able to successfully link to a table within a second PDF?


Cathy Riely
 Technical Writer, Lonestar Design Center
512-910-6275 office
512-413-6250 cell

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