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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?


Sorry for the quite late response. But better later than never, I guess :)

Before I offer some ideas concerning topic headline, some interesting
things I've noticed while reading all previous messages... All the
above information concerns the xsl stylesheets as a tool to get some
final result - output targets, irrelevant to its form and audience. In
general it is a very good thing - to get more output targets.

But... Let me hold your thoughts in your mind while discovering new
excitement final output targets, thinking about what exact format will
be better to choose from or offer. Let's go from the other side, look
at docbook ecosystem at the different angle in mind.

Imagine that docbook format could be the core in document storage and
interchange. Some samples to illustrate:

1. Release information from bug tracking systems > Docbook
2. TEI > Docbook
3. Some semantic-based documentation-related format
<just_put_here_yours> > Docbook

With this approach we get not only useful tools for document
publishing in final (output) targets but some infrastructure to make
docbook an attractive core storage format. Of course, some of you can
tell me: "This is too narrow field of use. It is the job to docbook
consultant|customization". If we look at exact software, BTS,
wiki/collaboration tool and its short development timeline|agile
technique - i agree with you - it is. But if we look at standards
(maybe from near fields) as Bob said: "DocBook tries to support
outputs based on published standards, or at least de facto standards"
[1] ... there can be the whole other story. Moreover it partially
corresponds to the one of the Docbook TC goals - 8a [2]

Any thoughts, ideas or disagrees :) are welcome.

[1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/201507/msg00002.html
[2] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/201505/msg00002.html

P.S. If this message content is more docbook-related (not -apps)
mailing list - just let me know.

 Eduard Tibet

2015-07-03 11:05 GMT+03:00 Erik Zander <Erik.Zander@studentlitteratur.se>:
> Hi!
> Oh wishing hour…
> I would like to see that support for the RDFa-lite attributes (introduced in
> the upcoming 5.1 version of Docbook Specification) is implemented, would be
> cool.
> Also pardon me if this is already in the plans or even better exists.
> Regards
> Erik Zander
> Studentlitteratur AB
> Från: Fekete, Róbert [mailto:robert.fekete@balabit.com]
> Skickat: den 2 juli 2015 07:38
> Till: Frank Arensmeier
> Kopia: Peter Desjardins; Bob Stayton; Thomas Schraitle;
> docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org; docbook-developers docbook-developers
> Ämne: Re: [docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?
> Readthedocs has some nifty features that I'd love to see in webhelp output,
> for example, the links to other versions at the bottom of the ToC :)
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Frank Arensmeier <farensmeier@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks for asking. A couple of things pop up in my mind. HTML5 output based
> on Bootstrap, UI kit or Foundation (or whatever modern CSS framework you
> prefer). Or why not PhoneGap-ready output. I think in the long run, HTML
> output targeted for mobile devices would be one very exciting and useful
> feature for Docbook XSLT. Just have a look on sites like
> https://readthedocs.org or https://stripe.com/docs/api. I’m not saying that
> those sites are the mother of all things. But I am convinced that output
> like this would make Docbook more future-proof than it seems to be right
> now.
> /frank
>> 1 jul 2015 kl. 11:56 skrev Peter Desjardins
>> <peter.desjardins.us@gmail.com>:
>> Do you have any output targets in mind? What would be interesting to you?
>> Peter
>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Frank Arensmeier <farensmeier@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'd be interested to know what to expect from these updates to come too –
>>> besides bug fixes I mean. Are there any plans to implement some new and
>>> exciting output targets? We have been building a CCMS system with Docbook
>>> as
>>> its backbone. So for my company it would be very important to know if
>>> Docbook is still alive and kicking.
>>> /frank
>>> http://www.paligo.se
>>> 30 jun 2015 kl. 19:11 skrev Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net>:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> Has it really been two years?!  I'll start the process to produce a new
>>> DocBook XSL release, and then work with the other developers to carry out
>>> the transition of the build to Ant, hopefully simplifying the rather
>>> arcane
>>> process.
>>> Bob Stayton
>>> Sagehill Enterprises
>>> bobs@sagehill.net
>>> On 6/29/2015 11:53 PM, Thomas Schraitle wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> in the last years I've observed a trend, that the DocBook stylesheets
>>> don't publish new releases very often.
>>> The last release of the stylesheets is from 2013 which is two years old!
>>> Am I'm the only one who need and wait desperately for a new release? ;))
>>> I know, you are all busy with other things. However, I fear, this makes
>>> the wrong impression that this project is dead. I hope this is not.
>>> After two years I would love to see a new release. Maybe with a release
>>> cycle which counts in months and not years?
>>> Any plans? Thoughts? :)
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