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Subject: Re: dblatex (was Re: [docbook-apps] Show off what you've done with Docbook)
On 2015-09-16 11:02, Warren Block wrote:
dblatex book.parsed.print.xml -p /usr/devel/doc/share/xml/freebsd-dblatex.xsl -T simple -b xetex -d -o book.pdf ... tag: default template used in programlisting or screen Build book.parsed.print.pdf /tmp/tmpUWdRvD not removed Unexpected error occured Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
It isn't saying which file it can't find (and the Python msgs don't help either), but here's a guess: it's expecting the command line format
dblatex [options] {file | -} so try putting the xml file name after all the options.Otherwise ensure that the .xml file is in the local directory, or else provide it a path.
Mike Maxwell
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