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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] jing errore with <entrytbl>

Hi Ron,
I can duplicate this error in Oxygen 18.0. The first message indicates that it seems to count all descendant colspecs, not just the current colspecs.

I tested this outside of Oxygen with jing and it validates properly. I'm not sure what Oxygen is doing differently, but I suggest you report it to them.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 4/29/2016 1:54 PM, Ron Catterall wrote:
This code to center a table on a page does exactly what I want in PDF
output using the default scenario Docbook PDF in oXygen 18.0.  (Saxon
6.5.5 and fop). (xep also gives the output I want.).  But I always get
error conditions from the presence of a <colspec> after <entrytbl> (see
error listing after xml code) from jing.  A <spanspec> after <entrytbl>
is OK.  Docbook 5 says <entrytbl> can contain a <colspec> which can
adjust the relative widths of the columns, and fop and xep are happy
with it and report no errors, fop reports validation OK.  The problem
seems to be in jing.
Has anybody else seen this problem with jing?
(Obviously I can just ignore false errors from jing.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter>
<chapter xml:id="chap_n" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook";
version="5.0" xml:lang="EN">

<!-- to get title cenered on page we need to adjust the param
body.start.indent to set indent of body text from start of title in a
custom layer, and col widths.  For no ident use:
<xsl:param name="body.start.indent" select="'0pt'"> </xsl:param> -->

<table frame="all" xml:id="Tab01">
    <?dbfo table-width="100.0%" ?>
    <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
    <tgroup align="center" cols="3">
        <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.50*" colsep="0"
rowsep="0"/> <!--- left margin -->
        <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="99.0*" colsep="1"
rowsep="0"/> <!-- table fits in here -->
        <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.50*" colsep="0"
rowsep="0"/> <!--- rigjt margin -->
        <spanspec align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"
        <tbody valign="middle">
            <row valign="middle">
                <entry/> <!--- left margin -->

                <entrytbl align="left" cols="2" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
                    <colspec colname="ccl" colwidth="1.0*"  align="left"/>
                    <colspec colname="cc2" colwidth="8.0*"  align="left"/>
                    <spanspec spanname="hspan"  namest="cc1"
                    <spanspec spanname="hspan1" namest="cc1"
                    <spanspec spanname="hspan2" namest="cc2"
                            <entry spanname="hspan1"
                            <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">first
long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>
                            <entry spanname="hspan1"
                            <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">second
long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>
                            <entry spanname="hspan1"
                            <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">third
long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>

                <entry/> <!-- right margin -->

System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Scenario name: DocBook 5
Document type: DocBook 5
Engine name: oXygen
Severity: error
Description: The number of table columns determined from the table
structure (5) is different than the value of the "cols" attribute (3).
Type: Table Layout
Start location: 14:5
End location: 14:37

System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Scenario name: DocBook 5
Document type: DocBook 5
Engine name: oXygen
Severity: warning
Description: The number of table columns determined from the table
structure (5) is different than the number of colspecs (3).
Type: Table Layout
Start location: 14:5
End location: 14:37

System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Scenario name: DocBook 5
Document type: DocBook 5
Engine name: oXygen
Severity: error
Description: The number of cells in the row (5) is greater than the
value of the table attribute "cols" (3).
Type: Table Layout
Start location: 20:13
End location: 20:34

System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Scenario name: DocBook 5
Document type: DocBook 5
Engine name: oXygen
Severity: error
Description: The column name (ccl) from the "colname" attribute value is
not found in column specifications.
Type: Table Layout
Start location: 25:21
End location: 25:76

System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
Scenario name: DocBook 5
Document type: DocBook 5
Engine name: oXygen
Severity: error
Description: The column name (cc2) from the "colname" attribute value is
not found in column specifications.
Type: Table Layout
Start location: 26:21
End location: 26:76

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