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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] jing errore with <entrytbl>

Is this why oXygen is different?

Thanks Radu, George.

regards Dave P

On 4 May 2016 at 08:57, Radu Coravu <radu_coravu@sync.ro> wrote:
> Hi Ron, Bob,
> I can confirm the problem is on our side, the validation should not report
> any problem with that particular table structure.
> The next Oxygen 18.0 minor bug fix release will have this problem solved.
> Regards,
> Radu
> Radu Coravu
> <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
> http://www.oxygenxml.com
> On 5/3/2016 11:21 PM, George Bina wrote:
>> Hi Ron, Bob,
>> It is not a Jing reported error, those will have "Engine name" as
>> "Jing" - oXygen includes a table layout validation engine which is
>> enabled for DocBook by specifying a default validation scenario for the
>> DocBook5 framework, see Options->Preferences -- Document Type
>> Association, select the DocBook5 framework and use the Edit action then
>> on the Validation tab you can find the "DocBook 5" scenario and if you
>> edit this you can see that it specifies 2 validation units, one is the
>> default validation with the schema and the other is using the Table
>> Layout Validator engine which actually reports the problem you mention.
>> You may remove the second validation or uncheck the scenario as a
>> default validation scenario in order to apply only default validation.
>> I will have someone from our team looking over how this sample DocBook
>> is validated by the table layout validator, thanks!
>> Best Regards,
>> George
>> --
>> George Cristian Bina
>> <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
>> http://www.oxygenxml.com
>> On 03/05/16 21:04, Ron Catterall wrote:
>>> Thanks Bob, I'll report it, but George will probably pick it up from
>>> here.
>>> Ron
>>> On 05/03/2016 11:47 AM, Bob Stayton wrote:
>>>> Hi Ron,
>>>> I can duplicate this error in Oxygen 18.0.  The first message indicates
>>>> that it seems to count all descendant colspecs, not just the current
>>>> colspecs.
>>>> I tested this outside of Oxygen with jing and it validates properly. I'm
>>>> not sure what Oxygen is doing differently, but I suggest you report it
>>>> to them.
>>>> Bob Stayton
>>>> Sagehill Enterprises
>>>> bobs@sagehill.net
>>>> On 4/29/2016 1:54 PM, Ron Catterall wrote:
>>>>> This code to center a table on a page does exactly what I want in PDF
>>>>> output using the default scenario Docbook PDF in oXygen 18.0.  (Saxon
>>>>> 6.5.5 and fop). (xep also gives the output I want.).  But I always get
>>>>> error conditions from the presence of a <colspec> after <entrytbl> (see
>>>>> error listing after xml code) from jing.  A <spanspec> after <entrytbl>
>>>>> is OK.  Docbook 5 says <entrytbl> can contain a <colspec> which can
>>>>> adjust the relative widths of the columns, and fop and xep are happy
>>>>> with it and report no errors, fop reports validation OK.  The problem
>>>>> seems to be in jing.
>>>>> Has anybody else seen this problem with jing?
>>>>> (Obviously I can just ignore false errors from jing.)
>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE chapter>
>>>>> <chapter xml:id="chap_n" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook";
>>>>> version="5.0" xml:lang="EN">
>>>>>         <title>TITLE</title>
>>>>> <!-- to get title cenered on page we need to adjust the param
>>>>> body.start.indent to set indent of body text from start of title in a
>>>>> custom layer, and col widths.  For no ident use:
>>>>> <xsl:param name="body.start.indent" select="'0pt'"> </xsl:param> -->
>>>>> <table frame="all" xml:id="Tab01">
>>>>>     <?dbfo table-width="100.0%" ?>
>>>>>     <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
>>>>>     <info><title></title></info>
>>>>>     <tgroup align="center" cols="3">
>>>>>         <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.50*" colsep="0"
>>>>> rowsep="0"/> <!--- left margin -->
>>>>>         <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="99.0*" colsep="1"
>>>>> rowsep="0"/> <!-- table fits in here -->
>>>>>         <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.50*" colsep="0"
>>>>> rowsep="0"/> <!--- rigjt margin -->
>>>>>         <spanspec align="center" nameend="c3" namest="c1"
>>>>> spanname="hspanc"/>
>>>>>         <tbody valign="middle">
>>>>>             <row valign="middle">
>>>>>                 <entry/> <!--- left margin -->
>>>>>                 <entrytbl align="left" cols="2" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
>>>>>                     <colspec colname="ccl" colwidth="1.0*"
>>>>> align="left"/>
>>>>>                     <colspec colname="cc2" colwidth="8.0*"
>>>>> align="left"/>
>>>>>                     <spanspec spanname="hspan"  namest="cc1"
>>>>> nameend="cc2"/>
>>>>>                     <spanspec spanname="hspan1" namest="cc1"
>>>>> nameend="cc1"/>
>>>>>                     <spanspec spanname="hspan2" namest="cc2"
>>>>> nameend="cc2"/>
>>>>>                     <tbody>
>>>>>                         <row>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan1"
>>>>> colsep="0">ABC:</entry>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">first
>>>>> long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>
>>>>>                         </row>
>>>>>                         <row>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan1"
>>>>> colsep="0">DEF:</entry>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">second
>>>>> long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>
>>>>>                         </row>
>>>>>                         <row>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan1"
>>>>> colsep="0">GHI:</entry>
>>>>>                             <entry spanname="hspan2" colsep="0">third
>>>>> long entry abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz</entry>
>>>>>                         </row>
>>>>>                     </tbody>
>>>>>                 </entrytbl>
>>>>>                 <entry/> <!-- right margin -->
>>>>>             </row>
>>>>>         </tbody>
>>>>>     </tgroup>
>>>>> </table>
>>>>> </chapter>
>>>>> System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Scenario name: DocBook 5
>>>>> Document type: DocBook 5
>>>>> Engine name: oXygen
>>>>> Severity: error
>>>>> Description: The number of table columns determined from the table
>>>>> structure (5) is different than the value of the "cols" attribute (3).
>>>>> Type: Table Layout
>>>>> Start location: 14:5
>>>>> End location: 14:37
>>>>> System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Scenario name: DocBook 5
>>>>> Document type: DocBook 5
>>>>> Engine name: oXygen
>>>>> Severity: warning
>>>>> Description: The number of table columns determined from the table
>>>>> structure (5) is different than the number of colspecs (3).
>>>>> Type: Table Layout
>>>>> Start location: 14:5
>>>>> End location: 14:37
>>>>> System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Scenario name: DocBook 5
>>>>> Document type: DocBook 5
>>>>> Engine name: oXygen
>>>>> Severity: error
>>>>> Description: The number of cells in the row (5) is greater than the
>>>>> value of the table attribute "cols" (3).
>>>>> Type: Table Layout
>>>>> Start location: 20:13
>>>>> End location: 20:34
>>>>> System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Scenario name: DocBook 5
>>>>> Document type: DocBook 5
>>>>> Engine name: oXygen
>>>>> Severity: error
>>>>> Description: The column name (ccl) from the "colname" attribute
>>>>> value is
>>>>> not found in column specifications.
>>>>> Type: Table Layout
>>>>> Start location: 25:21
>>>>> End location: 25:76
>>>>> System ID: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Main validation file: /home/ron/Desktop/center_table.xml
>>>>> Scenario name: DocBook 5
>>>>> Document type: DocBook 5
>>>>> Engine name: oXygen
>>>>> Severity: error
>>>>> Description: The column name (cc2) from the "colname" attribute
>>>>> value is
>>>>> not found in column specifications.
>>>>> Type: Table Layout
>>>>> Start location: 26:21
>>>>> End location: 26:76
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