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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook 5 Samples?

Greetings again,

>With previous help I was able to get a Makefile working for 
>complete validation and publishing to xhtml, rtf, pdf, and ps.
>Now I'm at a point where I can actually author in docbook 5. I'm 
>hoping someone here can suggest an available docbook 5 example 
>document which contains a large array of commonly used tags...
>my intent being to first drop it in with my Makefile to test a 
>larger build (there are actually multiple ways to publish some 
>formats), and second to see the appearance and compare appearance 
>between different tool variants for formatting. Because docbook 
>elements are about content instead of appearance, references on 
>various docbook 5 tags do not show example display; I'd like to see 
>practical examples of conversion from tags to appearance.

Here's one of the documents that an author has contributed to the 
Linux Documentation Project (TLDP).  I think this is our only 
Docbook 5 document so far:


This document appears to make use of a decent selection of the 
available docbook tags.

Good luck,

-Martin (volunteer for TLDP)

Martin A. Brown

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