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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Line Numbering with DocBook Publisher

Hi Paul,
It is possible, but not currently implemented in the stylesheets, so it would take a customization.

In the current XSL release (1.79.1), the line element is output as a simple fo:block for PDF output (see fo/publishers.xsl). That could be changed to a fo:list-block instead, using xsl:number to count lines for the list-item-label.

The linegroup element could complicate things. It can contain a <speaker> element, so the linegroup element is already output as an fo:list-block with 20% of the width for the speaker element. But nested fo:list-block is not a problem.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 5/23/2016 1:36 PM, Pc Thoms wrote:

I came across the above and am wonder if Line Numbering with DocBook
Publisher is possible? Possible using the <line/> element, that is.

With thanks Paul

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