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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Indexing.

Hi Dave and Docbook-apps Company:

In working with a legacy text, 1875, and it's index I entered five secondary entries, expecting an error, using the following:

<indexentry><primaryie>Admission to Seats in Synod</primaryie>
<secondaryie>Ven. Archdeacon McMurray</secondaryie>
<secondaryie>Rev. Dr. Sullivan</secondaryie>
<secondaryie>Rev. Dr. Stocking</secondaryie>
<secondaryie>Wm. J. Harris</secondaryie>
<secondaryie>W. B. Curran</secondaryie></indexentry>

And to my surprise and delight this validated and produced the desired entry.
All I have to say is that the xslt stylesheets for DocBook are awesome!
If this should not work - don't change anything.

Grateful - Paul

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 4:40 AM, davep <davep@dpawson.co.uk> wrote:
I'm about to start indexing a db5 book.
Reading up on the subject(Nancy C. Mulvany) and wondered if anyone has
been there and done that, got the tee-shirt and found the pitfalls in docbook? Any advice from those with lots of experience of using
db indexes please?


Dave Pawson

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