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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] tagged and accessible PDF document with DocBook

On 03/04/2017 21:12, Holger Bast wrote:
Here are some of my resources, maybe they can help you:

I've added some late-in-the-day thoughts...

The following document gives a short overview how xml structural
information can be applied to pdf. The document contains also a list
of elements that should be tagged (see table 1)

That looks a bit dated, since the latest PDF version that it refers to
is 1.4. You can get better tables of PDF Tag names in the free version
of the ISO 32000-1 PDF standard that you can download from the Adobe web

 PAC 2 - PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC 2) PAC is an easy to use tool
to check if your pdf document is accessible. If not PAC will show you
the problems in the structure as well as inside the document.

Fine for checking one file at a time, but it has a few minor bugs. I
don't expect it to be updated, though, since there's now a commercial
product available that's obviously based on PAC 2.

 And last but not least the pdf specification document. I didn't read
the document yet. I try to get my hands on it in the next days. ISO
14289-1:2014 - Document management applications -- Electronic
document file format enhancement for accessibility -- Part 1: Use of
ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1) https://www.iso.org/standard/64599.html

AFAIK, you can't get this ISO standard for free.

Additional PDF/UA resources:

- PDF/UA Technical Implementation Guide: Understanding ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1):


- PDF/UA Technical Implementation Guide: Understanding ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7):

  Only about some subsections of Section 14, "Document Interchange".

- Achieving WCAG 2.0 with PDF/UA:


- Matterhorn Protocol - list of all the possible ways to fail PDF/AU:

- PDF/UA Reference Suite:

- There's a page on the Adobe website that relates Acrobat's WCAG 2.0
reporting to PDF/UA requirements, but it won't help you much with PDF/UA


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland

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