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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] tagged and accessible PDF document with DocBook

On 27/04/2017 16:48, Tony Graham wrote:
5. Within your 'TOCI' for a ToC entry, you should use 'Lbl' for the
entry's title, 'NonStruct' for the leader, and 'Reference' for the
page number citation.

Sorry, I should have said to also use 'Reference' for the entry's title.
If you wanted to be as correct as possible, you'd probably use 'Lbl'
for the chapter or section number preceding the title text in the ToC entry.

Which brings me to...

8. You have a comment about preferring a flat rather than nested ToC
structure.  You can represent a hierarchical ToC structure in Tagged
PDF, but I don't know whether flat or hierarchical is better for people
using assistive technology.  Dave Pawson may know.


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland

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