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Subject: Re: Using the DocBook XSLT 2.0 stylesheets with Gradle

Dave Pawson <dave.pawson@gmail.com> writes:
> My position.
>   1. I don't stretch the schema (db simple would likely suffice)
>   2. I haven't updated my stylesheets in ages
>   3. I build html / pdf with svg ... (500k + words)
>   4. I want (need?) to validate as an option.
>   5. All files are on my hard drive
> ant lets me pick / choose bits|all
> Am I odd? Minority? Majority?

I don’t know if you’re in the minority or the majority. You’re
definitely in the “I’ve had this working since the previous millenium”
group, though.

There’s no reason you have to change.

That said, if you switch from the 1.0 stylesheets to the 2.0
stylesheets, you’ll find that you need to update your environment with
new tools.

If you want to do that by grabbing all the jars and installing them
locally and setting up your classpath and updating your shell scripts,
etc., by all means go for it. I’ve done it that way lots of times.

> <quote src='@ndw'> Who needs steenkin
> <del>esis</del><ins>internet</ins> </quote>
> Sorry - that quote stuck from dsssl days Norm - bet you've forgotten it.

I remember the ESIS. :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | We discover in ourselves what others
http://nwalsh.com/            | hide from us, and we recognize in
                              | others what we hide from
                              | ourselves.--Vauvenargues

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