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docbook-apps message

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Subject: pubwork does not include a thesis


I am surprised that the attribute of citetitle does not include any form of a thesis. This is a serious flaw.
<citetitle pubwork="phdthesis">Isolierung und ... </citititle>

Any choice is not appropriate for thesis:
value of attribute "pubwork" is invalid; must be equal to "article", "bbs", "book", "cdrom", "chapter", "dvd", "emailmessage", "gopher", "journal", "manuscript", "newsposting", "part", "refentry", "section", "series", "set", "webpage" or "wiki"

How long will it take to change the behaviour?

Regards Bernhard

D-79853 lenzkirch
www.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
thunderbird mit enigmail
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