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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Merge biblioentry data to citation

Am 28.11.2018 um 08:58 schrieb Thomas Schraitle:
Hi Peter,

Am Tue, 27 Nov 2018 18:54:04 +0100
schrieb Peter Fleck <peterfleck@gmail.com>:

Is there a way to only have a biblioentry once in the bibliography
and then cite the details multiple times?
So for example here in

Something like this? (Though this doesn't work).

<para>......<footnote><para><citation linkend="isbn-9780143111641"/>,
<para>......<footnote><para><citation linkend="isbn-9780143111641"/>,
It seems, biblioref would be the appropriate tag for you:


With biblioref you can add the attributes "begin", "end", and "units"
like this:

  <para>See <biblioref begin="315" end="316" units="pages"

If you process it with version 1.79.2 of the stylesheets, you will get
this result:

  See [isbn-9780143111641].

It seems, the attributes above are unsupported. I think this is a bug
as I couldn't find any code which uses them. If you want to take them
into account, you need to write a customization layer.

One final note about citation. You can use it to reference multiple
bibliographic entries like this:

  <para> See <citation><biblioref
        linkend="A"/>, <biblioref linkend="B"/></citation>

which renders as:

  See [A, B].

(watch for spaces inside <citation>).

I have this form: <citation><biblioref linkend="SB85"/></citation>

and this biblioentry (shortened)

<biblioentry xreflabel="Schooley und Baker (1985)"Â xml:id="SB85">
ÂÂ <authorgroup>
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ <author><personname><firstname>D. A.</firstname><surname>Schooley</surname></personname></author>
ÂÂÂÂÂÂ <author><personname><firstname>F. C.</firstname><surname>Baker</surname></personname></author>
ÂÂÂ ÂÂ <editor><personname><firstname>G. A.</firstname><surname>Kerkut</surname></personname></editor>
ÂÂ </authorgroup>
ÂÂ <citetitle pubwork="chapter">Juvenile Hormone Biosynthesis</citetitle>
ÂÂÂ <citetitle pubwork="book">Comprehensive insect physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology</citetitle>
ÂÂ <publisher>
ÂÂÂÂÂ <publishername>Pergamon Press</publishername>
ÂÂ </publisher>
ÂÂ <volumenum>7</volumenum>

You may add the pagenumbers you want for the individual citation here:

<citation><biblioref linkend="SB85"/>p. 405</citation>. You can also add to the same place something like "and citations therein".



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