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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: Some beginner questions for db xslt20-stylesheets

> aanno <aannoaanno@gmail.com> writes:
>> 1. So far I have used 'java -jar docbook-xslt2-2.3.8.jar -f foprint -o
>> out.fo howto.xml' to get an PDF of my document. However, I wonder if
>> it is possible to get the _xsl-fo output_ of the document as well.
>> There seems to be a lot of options (and I have played around with
>> 'return-secondary' but with no useful result), so perhaps this is easy.
> I think youâd have to modify the pipeline to do that.
Using '-f fo' is undocumented, but gets the job done.
>> 2. When I try the '(css)print' format, I only get the error:
>> 'XProcException: No CSS processor class defined'. I guess I'm
>> missing something here.
> Right. You need a tool to do CSS printing. I believe you can use
> either AntennaHouse or Prince, but I confess I havenât tried anything
> but AntennaHouse recentluy.

With Prince XML as css print processor:

* Install prince from https://www.princexml.com/
* Use 2 system properties for calabash configuration:
 Â -Dcom.xmlcalabash.css-processor=com.xmlcalabash.util.CssPrince
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ -Dcom.xmlcalabash.css.prince.exepath=/usr/bin/prince

>> 3. What are my options for using _math_ inside a docbook document?
> You can put MathML in an inlineequation. Successful output is going
> to depend on a processor that can render MathML, of course.
> If youâve got a tool that can turn MathML into bitmaps, you could
> construct a pipeline to do that, I expect.
I'm fiddling with mathjax generated SVG's now and will post a separate
question about this.
>> 4. Is it possible to do source code highlighting in docbook?
> In the browser, yes. I donât think thereâs a solution for doing it in
> print at the moment.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm

Mit freundlichen GrÃÃen / Best regards,

Thomas Pasch
Entwickler, Dipl.-Ing.

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