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Subject: in xsl stylesheets
- From: Kevin Dunn <>
- To: "" <>
- Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:05:31 +0000
I'm customizing xrefs to render page numbers in pdf files for print. Setting to yes, and using an xrefstyle attribute, I can get the desired output, e.g. "See Appendix B (page 127)."
In my custom xsl, I have both:
<xsl:param name="" select="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="" select="yes"/>
My xml file contains both:
<xref xrefstyle="select: label title page" linkend="source"/>
<link xrefstyle="select: page" linkend="source">A Chapter link</link>
The fo from xsltproc renders page numbers for the xref, but not for the link. The behavior is the same using version 1.79.1 stylesheet and the snapshot/2020-06-03. Fop, xep, and axf produce PDFs with working links, but rendered page numbers only for the xrefs.
I may be misreading the documentation or misunderstanding the xsl (very possible). The xsl is different for xref and link in xref.xsl, but to my untrained eye, both look reasonable.
Any suggestions?
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