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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Using React to present DocBook XML?

We have a few hundreds books we have converted from latex/indesign to docbook and then to semantic xhtml via
We then have a custom svelte.js html reader that digest the html file ro render the books in the browser.

Svelte is not react, but the principle is the same: in your case I would expect an extra xslt step to transform to the xhtml most suitable for react.

We use a very simple manifest.xtml toc to describe each book as a sequence of chapters files and we use rigorous sectioning to structure each chapter.
The svelte app then uses the manifest and the sectioning within each chapter to parse and render the contentÂ+ toc in a gui frontend.

If you are not familiar with traspect, it uses an xml format called hub.xml which is docbook + css attributes.

Hope this helps,


On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 3:52 PM Peter Desjardins <peter.desjardins.us@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone tried using React _javascript_ (https://reactjs.org/) to present DocBook XML content as HTML?

I am trying to find a way to evolve my HTML output toolchain so that it is more compatible with a front-end development team that uses React JS.

I'm wondering whether it would make sense to try to get React code to parse the DocBook XML source, or whether there's a way to use DocBook XSLT to present content in a format that's suitable for React to read from.

Do you have any experience you can share? Thanks!


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