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Subject: [ANN] Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.9

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.9. Highlights:

- Redesigned the dialog box letting the user add or modify an entry of the MS-Word style to XML element map in order to make this dialog box simpler and less error-prone to use.

- Other minor enhancements and a bug fix.

- Now officially supported on the Javaâ 18 and 19 platforms.

More information in http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/changes.html

What is XMLmind Word To XML?

XMLmind Word To XML can automatically convert DOCX files to:

- Clean, styled, valid HTML (single page or multi-page HTML, Web Help, EPUB) looking very much like the source DOCX file.

- Unstyled, but structured and valid, DITA bookmap, map, topic, DocBook (including V5.1 assembly), XHTML (single page or multi-page HTML, Web Help, EPUB) or XML conforming to your custom schema.

Home Page: http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/

Download: http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/download.shtml

Free online DOCX conversion services: http://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/online_w2x.html

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