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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Statement of Use for DocBook version 5.2


I'm the Chair of the OASIS DocBook Technical Committee. The Committee is in the last stages of getting The DocBook Schema Version 5.2 through the OASIS approval process. We need to submit three Statements of Use of the new schema, and I would like to ask if any participants in the DocBook user community might like to submit one. You need not be a member of OASIS to submit one. Here are the requirements for making such a Statement:

The DocBook TC will evaluate and vote to accept any Statements that are submitted. Let me know if you have any questions.

Any help you can provide on this issue would be much appreciated. If you are unable to submit a statement, perhaps you could refer me to other users whom I could contact.

Bob Stayton
Chair, OASIS DocBook Technical Committee

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